
23 Days is a documentary film by Wild Strongholds that explains the conservation of wildlife and habitat through managed hunting in Tanzania. It specifically focuses on African leopard conservation in the Maasailand. The film takes you on a journey of discovery, particularly on a hunt for one of the most elusive species in the world, the African leopard. Through comprehensive interviews, 23 Days deconstructs the theories and history behind of the institutions put in place to protect Tanzania’s wildlife and habitat. In order to understand the role of hunting in protecting wildlife, Wild Strongholds will undertake the laborious mission of hunting a mature leopard. To accomplish this arduous task, Wild Strongholds attempts to outsmart an old leopard during daylight, explores human wildlife conflict, and describes what the future of conservation will look like in the absence of hunting. Through interviews with government officials, Wild Strongholds uncovers opinions on non-consumptive (eco) tourism, versus consumptive (hunting) tourism and what locals believe benefits them the most. Join us on this magnificent journey to the heart of Africa in pursuit of the African leopard.